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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Uncivilisation in a Civilised Eye

I dont know if I have the liberty to label myself as a civilised human being but i believe compared to other people living geographically close or apart from me I would consider myself relatively civilised...

Now getting into my topic Sunday the 28th of June '09 I took a short trip to Fujeirah one of the seven emirates of the United Arab Emirates which is considerable under-civilised when compared to the other emirates... Well Fujeirah is more of 60's 70's style, its more of old style with a fusion of certain limited technologies of the 21st century that not are necessary for the rooted people of fujeirah but help them in accomplishing most of their dad to day duties faster...

So shifting immediately without any smooth transition from luxury to primitive living style. I did have internet connection, television but when i use the word primitive i mean the people. The people are simply simple, i think thats the best way to put it. If they dont know what is facebook, internet, television, it doesnt mean that they are idiots or clumsy it just means that they are simple people with simple lifestyle...

When i rubbed face to face with original fujeirah people and spoke with them i reckon they did transfer to me a certain amount of happiness and simplicity which i believe everyone should have in this fast paced world. In their world they dont have a definition for words like stress or anger, they live life by the moment. They dont really care what happens next and most important i realised they dont give a slightest damn about death...

I could sense it from the way they progress in life that they do not think about the next minute and i repeat thats not stupidity but contrary thats intelligence. They believe that life is life nothing more, and till now its hard for me to comprehend what that sentence mean but deep inside me i know the meaning but thats for i can not give a meaning for it as everyone has a different one...

What i learned from my trip which lasted till thursday the 2nd of July that life is just simply life and we should not over estimate life neither should we under estimate it. We should manage to find an equilibrium within us and we should sometimes take a break breath in breath out and let go our body and let our spirit guide us somewhere away where we just relax, rebuild and reshape out inner and outer self into something better and since the bar of perfection is within no ones reach we owe our souls to atleast try to strive to becoming the best we can...

That trip really opened my shut eyes from what we are supposed to understand from the reason of our existence in this world, it really guided my soul into becoming a better person and from that journey i managed to find what my mistakes are and as im writing this post im rectifying whats on my mistakes' list...

The ending of this post is below and i wrote it like this because i would like all of you to have your own ending of this post in the hope it helps...

Hopefully all we have such trips in our lives and try to find peace within ourselves :D....

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